What is Kendra Making Now?

Here is what I’m currently working on

( Updated 1/17/2025 )

  1. Guinea Fowl (Eugene) [ photos sent for approval ]

  2. 2 Cuddly Fuzzy Guinea Pigs

    1. Maxi [ in progress ]

    2. Milan

    3. Angel Set

  3. Painted Angry Rain Frog

  4. Custom Dog (Bojji)

  5. Custom Dog (Pepper)

  6. Cuddly Long Haired Guinea Pig (Eclipse)

  7. Long Haired Dog (Gin)

    1. Angel Set

  8. 2 Custom Items

    1. Cat (Cairo)

    2. Houndeye from Half-Life

  9. Custom Bunny (S’more)

  10. Order a custom pet here to be next in line!


Request an Animal!

Fill out this form to request a new animal plush. If I can find a pattern for it, then I can try to make it!

Animal Requests:

  1. Goat